Boat Trailer Winch Cables

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Boat Trailer Winch Cables How-Tos

How to Install Cable on Brake Winches

See the step by step process of installing a new cable on a brake winch. Presented by Dutton Lainson.

Video Transcript

This video will show you how to install cable onto Dutton Lainson Brake Winches.

Here are a few important notes for you to keep in mind.

First, how you install cable depends on which DL Brake Winch you own, so follow this video's instructions only when you see your winch's model listed in the top left corner of the screen. Also except for the DLB350A you'll see near the end of this video, we do not recommend that you remove your winches reel to install cable onto it.

We will show cable being installed on stand-alone reels, but that's only so you can more easily see the processes we're guiding you through.

One last thing, we'll start by showing the most common cable installation method, using the cable clamp that comes at most with our winches then you'll see a few variations of it necessary on our higher capacity brake winches and we'll finish by guiding you through a couple of unique wrap methods.

So if you're winch is included in the model list to the left, rotate your winches reel so its oblong shape slots are up. Use a pair of pliers to put a kink close to two inches from the end of your cable.

Slide that end through the reel slot, then wrap it around the outside of the drum.

Next line the kink with a square hole next to the slot and insert the cable clamp bolt through it.

Set the cable clamp and knot in place, adjust the cables so it fits under the clamp's winged edges then use a 7/16 inch wrench to securely tighten the clamp.

Get rid of any slack in the cable so the side of your wrench looks similar to this.

Finally, tightly grip the cable while you wind it in even layers coming off the top of the reel.

If you're installing cable onto a DLB2500A or 2505A, the process is slightly different and that you first move the oblong slots down so the cable comes off the bottom of the reel and you clamp the cable using the square hole opposite the slots instead of the one right next to it.

But the rest of the installation process involving the clamp is the same.

If you own one of these winches, wrap the cable around the top of the inside of the drum once then slip it through the reel's round hole and use the cable clamp through the square hole as always.

On a B3500 Brake Winch, wrap the cable under the bottom of the inside of the drum through the round hole to the right of the square hole, then secure the cable using the clamp and square whole as normal.

We'll now go over a couple of winches that require you to wrap the cable onto the drum, instead of using the clamp.

Because of its small size, the DLB350A is the one brake winch where we recommend that you remove the reel before installing cable onto it.

To do this, get two half inch wrenches to loosen and remove the knot and bolt holding the reel in place. Pull the reel out of the winch then position it so its oblong slots are up. Put your cable through the slot into the bottom left hole towards the center of the reel back out the bottom right hole towards the outside of the reel then slip it and underneath the first loop.

Remove any slack from the knot you just created then this area should look like this. Ensure that the end of the cable is contained within the reel and not hanging off the edge of it. Then you can reinstall the reel onto the winch and wind your cable onto it.

Last but not least, to install cable onto our B4010A winch with a split reel, simply slide the cable through the slot in the center plate and feed each side with the length of cable you need.

Wrap one end around the other side plate then wind all of the cable onto the winch by engaging its loop drive.

Thanks for watching. More videos like this can be found on our YouTube channel. We're always open for suggestions on new video topics so let us know what you'd like to see.

How to Install Cable on Pulling Winches

A step by step process in installing cable on a Pulling Winch. Presented by Dutton Lainson.

Video Transcript

This video will serve as a step by step guide to installing cable onto Dutton Lainson Pulling Winches however, there's a couple of things you need to know before we begin.

It is recommended that you do not remove your winch's reel to install cable onto it. You're about to see cable being installed on stand-alone reels but that's only so you can more clearly see this process.

Also the most common way to install cable is by using the cable clamp that come with most of our winches. But you can also wrap the cable around the outside of the drum without using the clamp.

We'll start by showing you the cable clamp method, and then we'll go over the wrap. First position the winches reel so its oblong shape slots are up. Use a pair of pliers to put a kink approximately two inches from the end of your cable.

Slip this end through the reel slot then underneath the outside of the drum.

Line up the kink with the square hole onto the reel and slip the cable clamp bolt through the square hole.

Next, place the clamp and knot on top of the bolt and cable adjusting everything until the cable fits onto the clamp's winged edges.

Use a 7/16 inch wrench to tighten the knots securely, and then pull any slack out of the clamp area so the side of your wrench looks like this.

Finally, get a firm grip on the cable and pull back on it so you can wind it onto the drum in even layers.

If you have a DL3500B pulling winch, your only option to install cable on it is with the cable clamp and the process is a little different.

You must first wrap the cable around the inside of the drum once then through the round hole on the reel followed by securing it with the cable clamp through the square hole on the reel so the area looks like this.

Now, onto the wrap method, if you have a DL600A or 900A, this is the only method you can use to get cable on your winch but it can also be used on any other DL pulling winch besides the DL3500B.

To do it, once again make sure the reel slots are up. Slide the end of your cable through the slot into the bottom left hole towards the center of the reel back out of the bottom of the right hole towards the outside of the reel then secure it and underneath the first loop you created.

Remove any slack from this knot so the wrapped area looks like this. Be sure that the end of the cable and you knot is contained in the plate of the reel, not hanging off of the side.

Lastly, begin winding the cable onto the reel in even layers.

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